viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

what way?

It seems so weird, I didn't think that it was to being like this... I hardly remember you.. I don't want you by my side like before, your image is a little bit blurry right now, I guess I've finally overcome it...
Oh my beautiful eyes... in this moment my eyes are looking for another spark... I'm in the search for something more extraordinary than this that I don't even know what it is... don't get me wrong, i like you very much, but I'm very tired to wait to find out if deep inside in yours there are something for me... I don't have enough with a foolish text in my msn.. I don't need silly fights or claims that you don't have right to do.. no matter in which sense you say it, because if it is a joke, remember that in every joke some part is a truth... And I'm so mad at me.. because I feel all this stuffs, I think all it.. but I'm not capable to say it to you... However, I think I'm ready to move on..

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